Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rockmount Workshops

Day One
The first day of the three day workshop was really interesting, and we learnt quickly that there is a difference between teaching someone our age how to do something, and teaching the same thing to a year 6 student. We found that we had to spend more time explaining the technique, and then repeat ourselves a few times before it sunk in. Also, Toby taught us that it was important to keep the children focused at all times, by basically talking to them constantly. 
We also learnt that it was important to ask the children at the end of the workshop what they had learnt, and ask them what the techniques were called. The year six teacher that was sitting in the room with us explained that they might not remember what they had learnt unless we got them to tell us. 
I was surprised at the quality of some of the students work, espescially the mono prints, because a lot of the work was good. We also got a lot of ideas from the children for our animation that we then used later on in the week once we got back to Brit.
Overall, I think that the first day was a success, and we learnt a lot that we could then apply to the next two days (:

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