Friday, June 5, 2009

Workshops with Clara Garcia Fraile

We had the privilege of working with the Artist Clara Garcia Fraile today. The session started with a presentation which gave the class information on animation, examples of her own work- The Impossibility of being an apple, artists and clips that have inspired her work, and also general information about herself; for example what she studied at university.

Once the presentation had been delivered, we were divided up into 3’s or 4’s- these are our community groups; although this class are all working on the same community project we have been split into smaller groups and given a different aspect to the “Circus”. This is when ideas started to flood and we all had an image in our heads of what we wanted our animation to looks like. We also came up with a basic storyboard for our animation which had to comply with the script. We then came to the conclusion that we wanted to have a photographic animation; to do this we will take a series of photographs, but slightly change the subject area each time. This creates a moving image once edited and put together.
The next section of the session consisted of doing trials and experimentation's within animation. My group trialled;
1. A flip book
2. Using materials to create an image and then photographing this
3. A series of drawings- both high wire acts and expressions
4. A series of photos were the subject area changed each time
These experiments enabled us to make a more considered decision about the style and way in which we wanted to create the piece. Having Clara work alongside us during these experiments was highly beneficial as she was able to both help and guide us.

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